Questions & Answers

2016 Toyota Corolla Automatic Headlights

0 votes

2016 Toyota Corolla, H-Key, Manual. No OEM Alarm, No TPMS (and no wire for TPMS, no wire to pin location on plug). Installed EVO-One with Toy-8 and RFK942. Setup via wizard. Only wire T'd was for clutch bypass.

Completed a recent install but have a couple of issues I am hoping to resolve.

1) Automatic headlights won't turn off when setting reservation mode. Tried on door close, and also on lock. Believe it needs a door pin pulse which is connected via the harness. Is there a setting I am missing somewhere?


2) Once the Evo was installed, neither of my factory fobs work (even when not remote started). Unplugged the Evo (but left harness) and still no fobs work. Nothing lights up on the evo when pressing factory fob.

 ***Update***: Found a bent pin in my T-Harness when troubleshooting. I was able to straighten it back out, all fobs are working again. Stil have the issue with the headlights.

Thanks all for the help

posté Oct 16, 2021 dans la catégorie Toyota par Colby Mainil (230 points)
modifié Oct 17, 2021 par Colby Mainil

1 Réponse

0 votes
What is the S/N to the unit? This is located on the back of the module.
répondu Oct 18, 2021 par derek g (358,800 points)
Hey Derek sorry for the delay, one of those days.

Serial #002B04 156546


Thanks for the help

The options in the module look ok. 


Next thing you could try would be to take the wire from the 20 pin connector, set option 32.3 in remote starter. Then connect that wire to the drivers door pin, that way it will pulse the door pin on shut down or time out and turn off the auto lights. 


DDp info:


Dash fuse box, white 40 pin connector (3E), pin 34

Thanks Derek, was looking at trying that as well.


Just curious, do you think this should be taken care of through the wiring harness? Would it be worth contacting Fortin about it, potential bug report?

Thanks again for the help.
I dont believe goes into the t-harness.


You can always contact tech support for further assitance.


I was just looking at the wiring diagram for not using a harness, and for "Auto Light Shutdown" you are supposed to tie into A18 (Green/Red, Driver Door Pin). When using a harness, it looks like that is already incorporated with the harness so assumed it is tied in. I can confirm it works as when setting reservation mode the vehicle shuts off when the door closes, so it is reading that pin but not doing the pulse on shutdown.

Regardless thanks again for your help, much appreciated. I beleive the Dark Blue would be a good workaround.