Questions & Answers

2021 toyota corolla h key manual transmission

0 votes
Hello there everyone, is there any solution or diagram for a 2021 toyota corolla h-key manual transmission? I can only find one for automatic? Do i just add the clutch bypass wire? And is it the same ready mode instruction as other manual transmission? Im going to use evo-one with 3x lock or rf642.  Thanks a lot.
posté Oct 1, 2021 dans la catégorie Toyota par mervin dulce (540 points)

2 Réponses

0 votes

Same install as the automatic transmission but add the clutch wiring as you mentionned. 

  • If Clutch is a (+)trigger, use the WHITE E1 wire and set option 2.3 for 2nd starter.
  • If Clutch is a (-)trigger, use the small WHITE in A5. 
  • (i believe its a +trigger but please test beforehand! )


for ready mode, it depends on how option 33 is set in the RS settings. 

This owners manual will give you an idea of what's available:

répondu Oct 1, 2021 par Robert T (304,280 points)
awesome support! will update once installation is in progress. thanks.
Just a follow up question. I will be installing this on saturday. Will the 3x lock work on this manual transmission? Customer doesnt want an RF kit. Maybe just set the ready mode to an option that doesnt require a start key from the remote fob(RF)? Thanks a lot.
0 votes
-3xlock works on this car.

-your clutch is +, and its the black wire, at the clutch Switch, gray 2 pin plug, pin 1.
répondu Nov 14, 2021 par Haidar Jabbar (22,390 points)
Thanks for the answer. I will try this tomorrow and update.