Questions & Answers

Is there a remote available that will operate and start two or more cars?

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Hello.  I am about to install my third Fortin remote start system.  I'd like to avoid the need for three different sets of remotes.  Is there a remote available that will lock/unlock and remote start two or more different vehicles? It looked like the Excalibur RFK-42-SSTem has the option but can find no information on whether it actually does and how to set it up.  I am primarily interested in 2-way remotes but please let me know if there are any 1-way remotes also.

posté Aout 12, 2021 dans la catégorie RF-Kits par Bobby B (390 points)

1 Réponse

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Multi vehicle compatibility was removed a few years ago.


For the Excalibur piece, you would have to contact them for info on how and what is compatible.

répondu Aout 12, 2021 par Robert T (304,210 points)