Questions & Answers

2011 Ford Focus Manual transmission possible with EVO-FORT1 ?

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is it possible to install evo-fort1 on a manual 2011 focus?
posté Juil 14, 2021 dans la catégorie Ford par CHARLES DESROCHES (180 points)

1 Réponse

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If you pair the evo-fort1 with a manual transmission compatible remote starter module then yes you could make it work if you have the flash link updater.

The evo-fort1 combo only offers remote start on automatic transmission vehicles as stated oin the Fortin website:


Easier solution would be:

- evo one

- thar-fort1 t-harness

- flash link updater
répondu Juil 14, 2021 par derek g (357,980 points)
élue Juil 20, 2021 par Robert T