Questions & Answers

Do I need to use an evo all for a 2014 Kia Forte key ignition

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Just looking for an answer than can save me some time for the next weekend, I have a 2014 Kia Forte key ignition to do on saturday and I want to know if anyone knows if the key has a chip in it. Ive done many kia's without chipped keys and all they needed was a regular remote start installed, I hope that this will be the case for me. I know if the PATS wire is absent than there is no need to really need a module because thats the wire that would councide with a chipped key and I know i would have to hardwire the required connections.

So basically, can anyone verfy whether this car will have a chip key or not, thank you.
asked Nov 25, 2019 in Kia by Ariel Taveras (630 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
If in the states, probably won't have one.


If in Canada, It will have one.
answered Nov 25, 2019 by derek g (358,030 points)