Questions & Answers

Blue Light not flashing on program/ Are wires correct?

0 votes
Hi I wired my fortin system all up and was trying to program when it would never get past the step where its supposed to flash blue rapidly. Im also not sure which wires to pick up for ignition and from door pin because the fortin instructuons tell me a purple wire on the driver side, then wire color tells me on passenger side. the ignition wire i believe i have correct but there were a couple of pink/ white wires. nothing is specific enough on where to find the wires.
asked Feb 24, 2016 in Dodge by Daniel Oliveira (130 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
What is the year make an model of your vehicle.

What are you installing and is it with or without a t-harness.

What is the sevice number to the module.
answered Feb 24, 2016 by derek g (358,130 points)
2015 Dodge Durango SXT- instaling with T-Harness, service number I assume you mean EVO-CHRT6?
Serive Number 001A06 594609
0 votes
Does the blue led shut off when you turn the ignition switch to the ON position? if it doesn't then there is an issue with your ignition connection, you need to see 12v on the yellow wire(A1) when the key is turned to IGN and Crank,


If it turns off but does not flash, then there is an issue with how you connected the Can H and Can L to the obd2 connector


Thank you
answered Feb 25, 2016 by J M (64,120 points)
when I would get to that step the blue light would shut off completely and not flash at all.
Did you connect the can high and can low wires at the OBD connector of the vehicle ?
yes I had them connected, Ill have to recheck them to make sure that it was a good connection.