Questions & Answers

Where is the Tach wire on the EVO-ONE

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2014 Wrangler manual transmission I have no remotes for this unit and plan on using the OEM remote. The unit will not remote start. The flash tool says that the tach wire needs to be hooked up, not to use the tachless mode. So, Which wire is it? I will need the PIN number too since the extra wires have been removed to reduce the wires in the install.
asked Sep 25, 2018 in Jeep by David Cunningham (320 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Evo-One does not have a tach wire. It acquire tach automatically by the can bus.


Was the clutch bypass done?
answered Sep 25, 2018 by derek g (359,100 points)
no. Clutch bypass was not done. I didnt know i needed to do that, but i can no problem. However, upon LOCKx3, the unit just flashes the lights 3 times signaling that ready mode is not active. To enter ready mode i thought i was to press the brake, set the E-brake, put in N, release the brake, remove the key. When I do this the jeep shuts off.
To enter ready mode.

Car is in neutral, E-brake is not engaged, You have foot on brake

1- Lift hand brake

2- Release brake


Clutch bypass is needed and I would also suggest connecting the units main iginition input/output to the the car. This is the PINK wire from the evo 6-pin harness. Connect it to the small yellow wire of the evo 20-pin connector.
Looking at your service number you need to do what Robb has desribed, however you set it to shut down when you press lock on the remote, so add that step at the end of the process.
clutch bypass completed. However this unit will not go into ready mode. I assumed maybe that it wasnt picking up the EBRAKE, so i ran a wire from the EBRAKE switch to A13 (white/Brown) wire (Tests ground when EBRAKE is engaged). After trying to set ready state by Car is in neutral, E-brake is not engaged, foot on brake 1- Lift hand brake 2- Release brake.  3. Remove Key, the Jeep Shuts off immediatley. 4. Open and Close the door. initate start by LOCKx3, the lights flash 3 times.  I did cut the loop to tell  EVO-ONE that its an automatic, and the car starts perectly. Reconnect the loop, will not start, not in ready mode. Tryed to set ready mode 4 times, still not getting anywhere.
Vehicle running in neutral, when you hold the foot brake and lift the hand brake then relese the foot brake what do the lights on the evo-one do?
Jeep running in N : Yellow Light

Jeep running in  N with brake: Yellow Light

Jeep running in N with brake with ebrake: Yellow Light, Nothing blinking

jeep running in N with ebrake: Yellow light, nothing blinking, has been solid yellow the whole time

remove key: Jeep shuts down.

Lockx3: parking light flash x 3
The evo is not going into ready mode. You should see the red led under the yellow led turn on when you lift the ebrake or release the foot brake. Since you previously stated you have cut the yellow loop, make sure the loop is put back together before you plug in the power to the unit otherwise it wont be in manual mode. It checks the loop for continuity on power up.
Power disconnected.

Yellow loop is connected

Wait 5 minutes.

Power restored.

Jeep running in N, Brake, then ebrake, release brake. Unit only lights up yellow.

Should i have waited longer on restoring power? I will try again while I wait for your reply, but I am assuming that I will have the same results. Also on this trial i will disconnect the annalog connection to the EBRAKE.



as a review. with the loop cut, the unit remote starts, when foot brake is applied, the jeep shuts down as expected.

power disconnected, analog handbrake removed. Unit disconnected from power for 10 minutes. Loop connected, power restored. Same results, LED only yellow, never a flash from the red LED. LOCKx3 results in flahing parking lights 3 times.
At this point I would suggest performing a master reset on the remote starter, then re enabling the specified option including 33.2.
Master Reset



works perfect. No issues at this time
Glad to hear.
Fortin replied to the OP "Evo-One does not have a tach wire. It acquire tach automatically by the can bus."
This is contradictory. The Flash updater wording should be revised. It clearly states on 33.2 "Not functionnal on tachless. Tach must be connected" leading one to think there's a tach hookup available.
Also, "Automatically activated by hand-brake and Foot Brake (ON)" is awkward since you need to take your foot OFF the foot brake to activate ready mode.
when you cutted the yellow loop, will car starts and run for xxx minutes you have set in starter side? lets say option 2 or 3 ? will it keep running that time or it shut off in random time?


also when you cut loop, did it do anything to car? like any damage for electronics or so? since it's a manual transmission?

maybe cutting loop won't damage car somehow

at this point ready mode will be always on...

Cutting loop puts the remote starter in automatic mode. Doing so on a manual transmission vehicle means that one day you will start the vehicle forgetting that it was in gear. The vehicle will go flying forward smashing through anything and anyone in its way. DO NOT CUT THE LOOP

Roger that. Make sense... Now I need to check all the wiring and set everything tidy. Right now we bit messy under steering :)