Questions & Answers

Evo ALL won't go into programming mode.

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I got: 2010 Chevy Cobalt 4dr., Compustar CS-7502AS, and Fortin Evo-ALL w/ firmware version 70.21.  I was able to get the Compustar and the Fortin to work and start the car through the remote starter process. Then I went and unplugged the 20 pin harness on the Fortin to get rid of a wire that was not connected. After, I plugged it back in and it would not work. I unplugged all the harnesses and tried to reprogram it. Held black button, then plugged in the data wire for the solid blue led, came on, plugged all other harnesses in, put key in and turned to On position, no yellow led. Tried to reset unit as directed on on your site, process went good, tried to reprogram unit as before, and same thing occurred. Did the whole process over and over several times, still the same.  I have another Evo-ALL unit. I loaded the same firmware as before, tried the same process over on the new unit, still the same. Tried over and over several time, still the same. HELP, PLEASE! Mobile: (507)358-2715
asked Jul 29, 2016 in Chevrolet by Joel King (130 points)

1 Answer

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You will need to check all connections made to the can wires in the obd2 connector, please remove any -t-taps or any other type of crimped on connectors, please strip and splice in these wires.  When testing with a voltmeter, you should see dc voltage on the Brown, Gray and Gray/Black wires when checked at the white 5 pin evo connector.


Also verify that the yellow wire (pin A1) is connected properly as shown in the guide, please tell us the voltages you see on this wire during different key positions on the ignition switch.


Thank you,
answered Jul 29, 2016 by J M (64,270 points)

Wires are spliced for connections. Car on, in OBDII connections at white 5 pin connector at evo: brown wire-fluctuates, gray/black-2.3v, and gray-2.6v. In 20 pin at connector on evo: yellow wire shows 0 v. with key in and On, Accessory-12.6v, Run 12.6v, and Start 0 v.

Also, in the OBDII at the plug in  on the Evo when the car is off : the brown wire shows 2.5mv,  gray/black-.677v, and gray-.677v.
Please check all fuses in the vehicle, it sounds like the immobilizer fuse has blown, the vehicle will still start normally with the key, but will not program with the evo. It will be a low amperage fuse.