Questions & Answers

security light on dash stays on all the time

0 votes
hello, installed a solace remote start with evo-all  into a 2006 saturn ion. everything went well and seemed to program fine. The problem is the yellow anti theft icon on dash is on when remote starting and after key is inserted, even if it is key started. used guide 3309, connection 3.
asked Dec 24, 2015 in Saturn by Micheal Unger (2,680 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
This is one of those cars i cringe of when someone asks security light issues lol


Here's some things to look at.

1- did the client have the ignition barrel recall done? If so, this may change the type of passlock system the car would have. I've seen this on a chevy cobalt before and had to use a passlock-sl2 for the passlock bypass. May not be related but thtought i should bring this to light,

2- Instead of grounding the evo through datalink, ground it to pin 4 or 5 at the OBD-II. Two ground wires exist there, bcm ground and body ground. Try both, i forget which pin is bcm ground but you may need to ground the unit there and also the remote starter.

3- If problem is persistent even with the key, the passkey fuse may actually be blown. Try starting withoug the evo or remote start connected at all to see if problem persists.

4- Do you have black tape to cover the light? :P (kidding)
answered Dec 26, 2015 by Robert T (304,010 points)