Questions & Answers

The problem that i am still having is that the car is not starting when the lock button is pressed 3 times.

0 votes
I have double and triple checked all of my wiring. I have went online and updated the module and set all the recommended settings. Then I programmed it into the vehicle and it did program. The blue light does flash whenever the buttons on the key fob are pressed. But the car is still not starting when the lock button on the key fob is pressed 3 times.
posté Jan 10, 2018 dans la catégorie Kia par John Wayne Kramer (130 points)

2 Réponses

0 votes
Please provide the service number written on the back of the module.
répondu Jan 10, 2018 par Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
0 votes
Did you make sure to enable the 3x lock function in the remote start firmware?  I missed that originally on one of my cars. You have to load the Flashlink into remote start mode and not the standard mode.


Here's the guide:
répondu Juin 2, 2018 par American Toaster (240 points)