Questions & Answers

Transit Programming w/o PATS

0 votes
My 2017 Transit has no PATS installed so no key programming is necessary (or possible) and there is nothing to plug the immobilizer connector into.  The instructions included with my EVO-ALL and FOR4 harness do not address this situation.  My dealer (Lessco) will not answer any questions.  If I simply leave the 4-pin plug disconnected, can I still "progam" the EVO??  If so, how?
asked Mar 16, 2019 in Ford by jburbano (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hold down the programming button while plugging in the 4 pin connector. Then release on blue led. Plug in the rest of the connectors. Then turn the key to the run/on position and wait until the blue led flashes rapidly then turn the key off and you are done.
answered Mar 17, 2019 by Mike M (9,800 points)