Questions & Answers

Evo One - 2015 Kia Optima - Passes setup, but won't remote start.

0 votes
Evo One installed on 2015 Kia optima push to start.  It passes setup, but will not remote start.  I get the first lock with a beep, then a lock with the horn, and the third key press, is just another horn beep.

I have checked and rechecked connections, but obviously I have something wrong.  I have programed (computer) for the 3X start and yellow "loop" is clipped.

Fortunately the car still operates normally ottherwise.

Any help is greatly appreciated.  I look forward to being able to use the remote start,
closed with the note: Answered.  Canbus wires reversed.
asked Sep 16, 2017 in Kia by John W Brown (220 points)
closed Mar 6, 2018 by John W Brown

2 Answers

0 votes

This happened to me too because I wasn't waiting long enough between presses.(But, yours maybe an option that wasn't checked). 

I know it sounds elementary but try this:  press lock release "one kia optima" press lock release "two kia optima" press lock release.

(you know, instead of "one mississippi"

Hope this helps.

answered Sep 18, 2017 by Daniel Gray (240 points)
0 votes
When you press lock on the OEM remote what does the led's on the evo module do?
answered Sep 18, 2017 by derek g (357,980 points)
Nothing.  I get no lights.
if the blue led does not flash when presing lock on the OEM remote then the module missed something in programming, Try to re program the unit in the vehicle.

I have a couple of questions:

One wire that seems "out of place" for me is the "larger" yellow wire that is coming from the Evo One to pin 64 = grey in the bottom connector (kick panel).

1.  WireColor lists not pin 64 - only pin 65 (Starter 1).  It also says to attach the wire to Grey at pin 65 - but it is a smaller wire.  This seems inconsistent with the 2 guages of wire.

2.  When you say program with the device in the car do you meant the regular programing?  Holding down the button while pluginh in power, stopping on red, pushing button 7X's etc?



"2.  When you say program with the device in the car do you meant the regular programing?  Holding down the button while pluginh in power, stopping on red, pushing button 7X's etc?"




"1.  WireColor lists not pin 64 - only pin 65 (Starter 1).  It also says to attach the wire to Grey at pin 65 - but it is a smaller wire.  This seems inconsistent with the 2 guages of wire."


Follow the information listed in your vehicle specific installation guide. 


I have a couple opf questions.  Wirecolor has no pin 65 listed only pin 65.  

1.  The larger yellow from the Evo One is sipposed to hook to the grey wire in pin 64/65, bu the guages of wire are quite different.  I that correct?

2.  By programing in the car, do you mean to normal, hold button down while pluging in power, stopping on red, pressing button 7X, etc?



"1.  The larger yellow from the Evo One is sipposed to hook to the grey wire in pin 64/65, bu the guages of wire are quite different.  I that correct?"

Test the wire this will let you know if you are on the correct wire, The wire gauge will be different. 


"2.  By programing in the car, do you mean to normal, hold button down while pluging in power, stopping on red, pressing button 7X, etc?"



Sorry for the double post - feel free top delete the second.

And thanks for the install link for PDF.  Evidently the one I have is incorrect even though I had all my specs intered into the site correctly regarding make modle, year, etc...

that guide is wrong i though your vehicle was a key model....this is the right guide seeing your vehicle is pts
IN the PDF you gave me the link for: pages 2 and 3 differ, can you tell me why?  ..  What the difference is?
Yes, it is PTS and that is the schematic that I have wired by.  Can you please look at E6?  That is the one I am concerned about - large yellow from Evo One to small grey wire on bottom kick panel connector??

Also - it would be very helpful, if you guys would document the two kick panel connectors as upper and lower on that schematic, since the pins are numbered exactly the same.

I will try to reprogram once again.  BTW, I have always done that programming in the car.  I did the initial setup on the computer.

test the wire, if it tests as a starter wire, then it is the correct wire.

If the blue led does not flash when pressing lock on the oem remote, then the in vehicle programming was not done properly.
So sorry to be a pain.  Check connections again, went through programming:

Held button on Even one down and plugged in the module - go the blue, red, yellow, blue/red etc.  Stopped on Red.

Pluggend everything in, pushed button 7 times and got the 6 flashes.

Hit the push button ignotion 2X - got the red flashes then turned to blue flashes.

Turned ignition off lights went out.

Got out did the 3 click lock - no lights on the Evo One.

For kicks got back in and started the car and even just turned to Yellow.
When pressing lock one time on the oem remote, you should see the blue led on the EVOONE flash once, it's telling you it saw the lock command on the network.

If the light doesn't flash, the module is not detecting the command on the canbus network. Verify the connections of orange/green and orange/brown. Somehow, they are wrong.
You are/were correct the canbus wiring(s) were reversed!  I believe your schematic may be incorrect.  I switched them, and all is good!

TRhank you for your help.