Questions & Answers

Evo ONE & DR3400

0 votes
Im instaling an EVO ONE and DR3400 on a 2004 Lincoln Town Car.I have done the wire switch in the plug but Im having problems with the Flashing. I cant get it woring with the Evo One. Maibe some one can help me how to flash it corectly in order to work.

Thank You

Best Regards

Krisztian T
asked Oct 31, 2016 in Lincoln by Krisztian Trefan (150 points)
edited Nov 1, 2016 by Krisztian Trefan

1 Answer

+1 vote
Make sure you are in connection mode: remote starter when connecting the evo. This will be shown to you in the bottom right-hand corner fo the flash link program. Then simply go to evo-one updates and flash the 0.50 to the evo one.
answered Oct 31, 2016 by derek g (359,350 points)

I have done the flash with the 0.50  update and now when I send start command from the phone app gives me error 301 all the time,
did you re-pin rx and tx on the connector of the drone as shown in this installation guide?
Yes I have did the rx and tx. I have figure it out the problem. I was from the Crank setting. Now it gives the command put the ignition on but wont cranck. The crank signal is to short. Something is worng and can bot figure it what. I think I will try to insral another brand of starter on it and hopefully the drone can br use it with other device not only the first one you plugged to.