Questions & Answers

2014 Nissan Murano not starting

+1 vote
I have installed an Ultra Start with an Evo-All using a T-harness.

The vehicle will not start unless I reach in and press the brake pedal. I have the options turned on for push button start and fortin d2d and oem remote monitoring(b2,c1,d2, d6, f1)  Door locks function correctly.

Firmware is 72.14

Any help would be great,

asked Aug 11, 2014 in Nissan by Jesse Hir (680 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi Jesse,


Change the RED connector, use the other one.
answered Aug 11, 2014 by Robert T (299,650 points)
Thanks for the reply. I did change the red connector and it worked.

I think some rl1 and rl2 connectors are mis-labelled.  Had the same thing happen again today but I remembered the last one. I also checked our stock and all 3 un-used Nissan 1 T-harness are labelled the same way.
They're labeled right, the install guide though may need to have a better split for the Murano. I think it changes in 2014.