Questions & Answers

2014 Ford Explorer Sport PTS

+2 votes
I have purchased a cm6000 and evo-all. I noticed the guide only goes up to 2013. I entered the vehicle info in the flash link updater and updated the evo firmware. Wondering if the latest recommended firmware will support this vehicle. Build date 01/14. Or should I wait for a definite install guide to be released. Thanks
asked Mar 24, 2014 in Ford by Darren hynes (2,950 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Hi Darren,


The 2014 Explorer would be the same installation. The guide will not be updated until it is final. The latest firmware for Ford should be fine.


A little tip for the programming.

  • After step 6, remove the key from the keyport for about 30 secs before going onto step 7.


answered Mar 24, 2014 by Robert T (304,010 points)
selected May 13, 2014 by Robert T

I thought I was going nuts, I have been tinkering with this install for months here and there when I had time.  Thanks for your patients. I have everything just about dialled in now. I figured early on that it might have been a firmware issue.  I have since gone back to datalink and adjusted the communication proto calls.  Everything is working good.  I will keep an eye out for any issues with the firmware.  As far as firmware: That was initially the procedure I followed , I did a DCryptor cycle after I flashed down but everything is working.  I had to relearn tach on my starter, that's why it would stall.

Thanks again for the support!
Exceeellent ! and thank you for your patience. Prerelease plans can be a stress sometimes but there is always a solution.
Hi, after using the r/s for a few weeks I have noticed that sometimes the vehicle won't start. The r/s will make 3 attempts to start the car by default. It seems that the timing of the r/s and evo might be off a bit (if possible). Seems like the evo is not activated long enough for the activation of the starter or vice versa in some cases. Sometimes it starts on the first attempt, sometimes the third or not at all. Wondering if changing the tach or crank time would have any effect on this or not because the start command is thru data.
The Red/blue wire on the EVO is normally a (+)Start input in non datalink installs. I would try wiring this to the remote starter (+)Starter.  Remote starter start signals are directly related to how ever the tach is programmed. Testing the start output on the remote start, will also help identify is there`s a problem with tach.
Hi, I have made the connection - same result. It starts every time with the key in the vehicle. I wonder about flashing to the latest firmware then running dcryptor and flashing back down will help like you mentioned in an earlier post.