Questions & Answers

Where is the "Supported RF Kits" tab?

0 votes
I am trying to add a Viper RF kit to an EVO-ONE, but there is no tab on Flashlink (Firmware: 4.05). To my understanding, Fortin defaults to Fortin RF kits, but how I do change this to support another RF kit?
asked Feb 2, 2021 in FAQ by Jimmy Inta (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
when in remote start mode, click the configuration icon in the upper left hand corner, then click unit options. A screen will pop up, the first section is RF kit selection.
answered Feb 3, 2021 by derek g (336,040 points)
The instructions found on the Viper installation guide are out of date. I tried using the guide, but the current firmware of FlashLink looks different.