Questions & Answers

Evo all, Mazda 3, Thar maz1

0 votes
The first unit was a fiasco. I decided to try with another, new fortin evo all, when programming keys at step 13 the red diode lights up. The firmware is the latest.
posté depuis 2 semaines dans la catégorie Mazda par Vladimir Olifer (510 points)
ré-ouvertes depuis 1 jour par Vladimir Olifer

1 Réponse

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Meilleure réponse

Try using firmware 71.47.

If the unit still does not program, as previously suggested by several agents, please use an evo one and a maz3 harness as it is more geared towards end consumers such as yourself.

Best regards.
répondu depuis 1 semaine par derek g (357,980 points)
élue depuis 1 jour par Vladimir Olifer